About Me

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Los Angeles, California, United States
Wish I lived on Love Street. Not anybody special, but I'm not one that you'll easily forget. Got a whole year and and some of clean living, and it's still weird sometimes. I still don't have a drivers' license...so that technically makes me the most pointless sober person/friend in the world..but I promise I'll carry your drunkass over my shoulder along the 405 if I have to. I have some bad tattoos, and I have some good ones. I'll never have enough. Always wanting to explore, yet I seldom get the opportunity to do so. There's always sand on my floor. I like cherry chapstick, leather bound journals, cheap eye liner, pawn shop jewelry, and my boyfriend's sweatshirts. I enjoy the finer things that life has to offer...but I treasure the cheapest as well. I love my city.

Friday, October 23, 2009

God Damn Typical...

I thought I heard Tom Hanks screaming ...and I was right....My dog WOULD pick a fight with his dogs in the middle of the night.

Jesus Christ. How embarrassing.

Oh, and speaking of dogs, my mom just bought a puppy on the internet. My dad has no idea. Why am I not telling him? I don't know...I guess I just want to watch the fireworks. New puppy is coming on November 4th...how in the world is my mother going to get away with this one? Buying the flat screen TV's behind his back was one thing...but this is a flippin' DOG..... My mother is insane. And I leave you on that note.

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